Psalms 139:14

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Saturday, May 15, 2010


It is good to be back in the blogger seat once again.  Life has, as it sometimes does, stepped in the way my desire to do something I love and am passionate about.  Blogging is an "extra"...and when you are a momma of teenagers, those extras are few and far between :) 
Well, for those important few of you out there following my blog, I have been reading a new and exciting book about motivation.  That word, 'motivation' can get an eye-roll or two from teachers, especially this time of year.  But, don't give up on my blog too quickly because Richard Lavoie has changed my mind about this word and I think he will change your mind also.
Everything I thought I was doing right when it comes to motivating my students and own children went right out the window as I have been reading across the pages of this wonderful book.  There are several myths that Mr. Lavoie shares about motivation. I have had it all wrong!  We are all about the children, right?  What it best for each student as they enter our classroom each day....right?  But yet we slap up that poster every year and give every student a sticker for reading a book, having good behavior, doing their homework...etc.  Every student is not going to be motivated by a sticker.  Each child learns differently, right?  So, it makes sense that each child is motivated in different ways.  And, for those of you that have that child or student that you think is not motivated, well, Richard Lavoie differs with that thought all together.  Every child is motivated by something, or motivated to do....or not do something.  As parents and teachers, we must take the time to find out what it is that motivates a child to desire to accomplish something for themselves.  The ultimate motivation should come from within.  Not from a sticker, toy, competitions, etc.  If we could enable a classroom full of students to become motivated to do their best---WHATEVER that may be--what a successful year that would become.
Anyway, wonderful book.  I will try to post some of the myths, if not all of them throughout the next week.  But, for my faithful 3 followers, I love you and hope you will share this with any friends you think may benefit from this book by Richard Lavoie.  Hope to hear from more of you out there.